Elizabeth + Gary | Superstition Mountains Engagement

Sunset Superstition Mountain Engagement Photos

I’m actually terrible about going on adventures unless it’s to take photos. I’ve driven by the Superstition Mountains countless times and each time I say gosh I really want to take photos out there. Well my wish finally came true!! And you guys it could not have been even more perfect! First the weather was absolutely amazingly perfect. It was a little cloudy, but still had lighting peaking through to give a good glow, but was soft enough that when they faced the sun it made for beautiful soft light. If you are a photographer you can totally understand what I’m talking about. If you aren’t just know that I was in heaven. 

Also major props to Elizabeth for selecting perfect outfits. I could not get enough of their outfits. Simple enough that they blended perfectly with the scenery, with just enough detail that they were still the focus of the image. And they totally hiked like half way up the Superstition Mountains for me and I’m forever thankful because it was beautiful! 

So many amazing favs I hope you enjoy! 

